Milano, 17 giugno 2013 – «La garanzia di 250 milioni di euro che il Governo ha messo in campo in ordine alla realizzazione di TEEM nell’ambito dell’impegno per complessivi 600 milioni di euro assunto riguardo alle altre opere lombarde strategiche (Rho-Monza e MM4) inserite nel “Decreto del fare” produrrà effetti positivi sulla costruzione dell’opera nei tempi stabiliti (il 2015 dell’Expo per l’intera tratta) e sull’entrata in esercizio dell’Arco TEEM (l’interconnessione con BreBeMi entrerà in esercizio nell’aprile 2014) – ha dichiarato oggi l’amministratore delegato di Tangenziale Esterna SpA Stefano Maullu -. Ringrazio, pertanto, il ministro per le Infrastrutture Maurizio Lupi per aver identificato in TEEM uno dei volani anticiclici di una crescita che permetta ai cittadini e alle imprese di uscire più rapidamente dal tunnel della crisi».

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2017-01-31T02:38:16+01:00Giugno 17th, 2013|Comunicati stampa|0 Comments

Milan, June 17th 2013 – «I would like to thank Infrastructure Minister Maurizio Lupi for helping to fast-track the construction of the Milan Outer Eastern Bypass by adopting provisions designed to recognize that building new infrastructure helps to create economic growth and thus aids citizens and companies to emerge more quickly from the dark tunnel of economic crisis,” said the CEO of Tangenziale Esterna SpA, Stefano Maullu earlier today. “As I stressed when the Minister first indicated the plan to offer certain tax exemptions for public-private investment in major public works that did not create an additional burden for tax payers thanks to the creation of new jobs, I really appreciate the good work that Minister Lupi has managed to do in a very short space of time in a key area for the future of Italy. As such, I would like to invite the minister to come and join the inspection of the worksite for the so-called ‘Arco TEEM’ that we will undertake in July. It would be an opportunity for him to see firsthand that the connection between our Bypass and the BreBeMi will definitely be ready by April 2014. I hope that the regional infrastructure councillor, Maurizio Del Tenno, will also be able to join us for that inspection, especially as he is a real advocate across the institutions for the creation of TEEM. He sees this infrastructure project as providing a model for the future, as part of the synergy between local entities, companies in the sector and banks».


2015-05-06T18:29:59+02:00Giugno 16th, 2013|Press releases|0 Comments